
Showing posts from July, 2017

What are Your Children Calling Themselves?

God's word is settled in heaven; He is faithful to bring it to pass on earth Ps.119:89-90 . But nothing in His Kingdom is by compulsion; it is not in God's character to force His will on man. Having inquired of God, a father need put the child on the path of continuous discovery by pointing him to his Creator, encouraging him from an early age to have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. Did Jesus not ask that children not be denied access to Him Mt.19:14 ? Faith is believing and speaking Rom.10:10 , it claims the will of God, but begins where that will is known. There is so much your child will discover about himself by studying God’s word, enquiring of his Creator and meditating on [speak to himself] prophetic words received. God places His purpose in a heart that inquires, one willing to search diligently for it. Every effort of our teachers, even of the Holy Spirit, is that we be presented to the Almighty, made perfect in Christ Col.1:28 . Knowing this, fathers

In God’s Kingdom, We are Called to Be.

There are more questions fathers need ask, answers to which determine a child's success at purpose achievement: Where do I need to go? How and when do I get there? How do I recognize the seasons of my life? Who or what do I need to get there? Who or what will deter me from getting there? What things should be important to me? The freedom to be who God created is found in Christ Gal.3:28 , not in our acceptance by men, therefore, it is important to keep children grounded in His word, where answers are, and Abraham’s blessings are appropriated through faith in Christ Gal.3:14 . Your children are the work of God’s Hands, created in Christ; there they are entitled to the inheritance that He died and rose to secure for them Rev.5:12 . They are made alive in Christ 1Cor.15:22 , and receive the gift of eternal life Rom.6:23 which comprises the abundant life on earth and everlasting life, in eternity. Being established in the righteousness of God, ‘ in Christ’ they have no cau

My Child’s True Identity is in Christ.

Everyone needs to ask his Maker questions which have to do with Vision, Purpose and Significance. There is so much more than ‘ Who am I?’ to self-discovery. In answering the question: ' Who do you say that I am?' Simon received a revelation of Jesus Christ that only the Spirit of God could have supplied. Then Jesus introduced him to Peter – who he will become. When we spend time with Jesus, the Word of God Rev.19:13 , not only is He revealed to us by the Holy Spirit, He also reveals our true identity: 'You are Peter… ' Mt.16:13-18 . The revelation of Jesus Christ is our guiding Light. Fathers who lead their children to Jesus have put them on the path to self-discovery, for only He can give them a clear sense of identity, having ordained their destinies before the foundation of the world Eph.1:3-12 . As we study God’s word, meditate on it and enquire of our Creator, Christ is revealed to us, and we find all we need for victorious living in answers to destiny-definin

Daddy, Who Am I?

We are sons of the prophets, and of the covenant with God Acts.3:25 . What does this mean? One , the issues of our lives are birthed by the words of God in the mouth of the prophets - what was, is, and will be has already been foretold, and will be found by a diligent search into Scripture. The Holy Spirit, by Whose inspiration the prophets spoke, will guide us to the precise words that have to do with us. Why are prophetic words integral? Even as Peter saw the splendour of Jesus transfigured, and heard God’s majestic voice call down from heaven, his confidence was in what he calls 'the more sure prophetic word' , acknowledged as 'light that shines in a dark place' , illuminating the mind 2Pet.1:19-21 . Two, every one born of the Spirit is joint-heir with Christ and has inalienable right to an inheritance, according to the terms of covenant relationship with God for which Jesus shed His Blood. Who will seek God for a ‘prophetic word’ on the child? Who will set hi