In God’s Kingdom, We are Called to Be.

There are more questions fathers need ask, answers to which determine a child's success at purpose achievement: Where do I need to go? How and when do I get there? How do I recognize the seasons of my life? Who or what do I need to get there? Who or what will deter me from getting there? What things should be important to me?
The freedom to be who God created is found in Christ Gal.3:28, not in our acceptance by men, therefore, it is important to keep children grounded in His word, where answers are, and Abraham’s blessings are appropriated through faith in Christ Gal.3:14.
Your children are the work of God’s Hands, created in Christ; there they are entitled to the inheritance that He died and rose to secure for them Rev.5:12. They are made alive in Christ 1Cor.15:22, and receive the gift of eternal life Rom.6:23 which comprises the abundant life on earth and everlasting life, in eternity. Being established in the righteousness of God, ‘in Christ’ they have no cause to fear anything or anyone. They receive grace, faith and love to be strong, and are able to live the saved life with ease 1Tim:14; they can live above sin – that being the only thing that could stop achievement of God’s plan. Those who gather against them fall for their sake, He who created all weapons of warfare did not make any that can work against them Is.54:17. It is God’s plan to, in the fullness of time, gather everything to Himself in Christ Eph.1:10; children positioned there Eph.2:6 are already in His will. No longer tossed to and fro by the winds of false doctrine, they grow to be mature sons like Christ Eph.4:13, receiving all they ask in faith as they remain in Him and His words remain in them Jn.15:17. Children need speaking fathers to plant words in their hearts, prophetic words with built-in capacity [power] to bear multiple fruit, create the life and future God destined for them from before the foundation of the world Eph.2:10.
In God’s Kingdom, people are called to be, just as at creation Gen.1:28. Paul was called to be an apostle Rom.1:1, and he manifested; Jesus was 'declared to be the Son of God, with power…' v.4. He too manifested. A father need know what specifically each one of his children is 'called to be', that he may continue to call him so until he manifests; things rarely happen until words are spoken. Ministering spirits who do the voice of the word of God Ps.103:20 await commands from your mouth. How much easier our lives would be if our fathers knew God's plan for us early in life and helped us unto the path of the glorious destiny prepared for us by divine arrangement, by speaking His revealed will over us, calling us to be.

Thank You, Lord for giving me the right prophetic words to speak over my children, for grace to continually call them to be who You created them to be, and for the angels that work on their behalves to perform Your word. Please keep their hearts believing You, and trusting You will honour it; help each to stay on the path that leads to the glorious destiny prepared, here and in eternity, in Jesus name.

In the name of Jesus, and by the super-abounding grace of God, I decree and declare that, because our steps are ordered by the Lord Ps.37:23, I and the children the Lord has given me are for signs and wonders Is.8:18. We are God’s witnesses to all men, our lives testify to His goodness. Thank You, Jesus.

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