I Have a Father in Heaven. Part 3.

The Lord God Almighty is the ultimate Father. His blessing is generational in nature, purposed to be continuous, therefore, the only two ways by which children may miss being blessed is if fathers either fail to bless them, or speak over them what God did not say: ‘Who is he who speaks and it comes to pass, when the Lord has not commanded it?’ Lam.3:37. God has played His part; it is the responsibility of earthly fathers to take their rightful position in the scheme of divine plan and purpose, to bind on earth the things bound in heaven and loose on earth what is already loosed in heaven. But a father who will pass on the Blessing must first acknowledge the fatherhood of God Almighty, the Giver of all good things, recognize the Blessing working in him, and show evidence of a life enriched in all things, no sorrow added. He must believe the words of Jesus Jn.20:17, and let every feature of the Father-Son relationship taught by His life and ministry guide him, for the Father of Jesus Christ is also his Father.

A father who knows God as his Father, will likely imbibe His model characteristics, and follow His guidelines for good fathering. The heavenly Father gave all of Himself – Father, Son, Spirit. The Father created the earth, filled it with bounty and gave man, in whom His very life resides, dominion over it. Subsequent upon man’s wilful loss of his inheritance to Satan by disobedience to Him, the Father gave His Son to snatch His children away from the snare of the enemy, restore us to the status of sons lost at Eden, draw us back into fellowship with Him, and into ownership of all we need for an abundant life on earth. The Son left His glory in heaven, stooped to come to earth as man, give sacrificially by His suffering, death and resurrection to achieve the Father’s purpose, and to show by His example how we are to live on earth. Then the Spirit of God was sent, as a Gift to live in us, to help, comfort and teach us, reveal the Son, and remind us of His way, and to guarantee our inheritance with our heavenly Father as sons adopted into His family, accepted in the Beloved Eph.1:6. I believe God expects earthly fathers to also give sacrificially of themselves - body, soul and spirit – and adhere to His prescriptions, in order to excel at fathering.
The manual of the Blessing is written, it is available to all, all the users need do is obey and prosper. God created man for relationship and fellowship, with Himself and other men. As Head of the heavenly family, He set the earthly family as a cocoon for the nurturing of generations, and put the father in place as its head. Surely, the expectation of the only Righteous One will not be cut off!
The question is: can any outside of the cocoon, heavenly or earthly, expect to enjoy the Blessing? More next post.

Thank You Father for, by the Blessing, Your strength has swallowed my weakness; I can do all things because Christ in me gives me strength Phil.4:13. Help me to continue in faith, love, and self-control, surrendering to Your sovereign will, the Lordship of Jesus Christ and the leading of Your Spirit, to humble myself before You, receive grace for victorious living, resist the devil, the one who desires to rob me of the Blessing, and cause him to flee from me Js.4:6, 10. Lord, satisfy my desire to draw daily the life-giving sap supplied by the ‘Vine’, in Jesus’ precious name I pray.

In the name of Jesus and by the super-abounding grace of God, I declare that because of the Blessing working in and through me, I run not on the steam of my own strength but on the energy of the supernatural. Having been restored to the image of God, His super over my natural makes fellowship with Him easy, for I am able to think, look, speak and act like Him, and do everything I see Jesus do Mt.17:27. Thank You, Jesus.


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