The Man Who Will Be King: Part 2.

Solomon, king over Israel and Judah after his father, David, took many wives and concubines, and worshipped their gods and goddesses against the injunction of the God of his father. God's judgment: ‘… I will surely tear the kingdom away from you and give it to your servant…' 1Kgs.11:11-12. Thus the kingdom was shared between Rehoboam, Solomon's son, and Jeroboam, his rebel servant, 'a mighty man of valour' 1Kgs.11:28. Solomon multiplied the art of procuring wives and concubines learned from his father; his error cost his generations the kingdom. In this one thing, David, the beloved of God had passed on a shameful legacy which marred what should have been a glorious exit for the wisest man of his time.
Every father determines, by his words and actions, if to bring glory or shame to his children. The king is custodian of the culture and traditions of the people, yet Godly values, tried and tested universally to work for man’s progress Ps.12:6, seem to be increasingly unpopular. This raises questions about the strength of our moral fibre, what legacies are being passed on. Who fathered the rapist who audaciously posts a video clip of the dastardly act on the Internet for all to see? Who coached the serial killer? Who questions the morality of a hacker breaking into a person’s private space, to expose his secrets for financial gain? Who mentored the teenage prostitute to even imagine her body as a commodity? Where are the father-kings, the custodians of social mores who should command their children ‘to do righteousness and justice’ Gen.18:19?
No eagle can soar without help; every star needs a coach. Fathers have a critical role to play in coaching and mentoring the next generation. Perhaps we see fewer stars because there are fewer coaches.
Lord, I desire that my children walk in what they were called to be - the salt of the earth, the light of the world, Your witnesses, that men may know and be drawn to You Mt.5:13-14. I will not try to manipulate the achievement of the purpose of each of them, for, all of their lives they are being prepared for Your appointment, Your planned future for them Jer.29:11, the real reason for their being. Bring their destinies to pass by Yourself, cause Your zeal to shape them for service to You and men, and perform Your word concerning them, for it is set Is.9:7. Like trees planted by the rivers of water that bring forth fruit in season, whose leaves do not wither, my children will prosper at all their assignments Ps.1:2-3, and be beacons to light the path for others Is.60:3, in Jesus’ Glorious Name I pray.
In the name of Jesus, and by the super-abounding grace of God, I decree and declare:
·     My children are being taught to soar like eagles. We receive new wine daily, break the old moulds we carried in our hearts and minds. We are sanctified by the Word of God, the Truth Jn.17:17-19 which instructs us, breaks the chains of deception and sets us free from the bondage of tradition.
·     We hear instruction and are wise; we find the right word, find life and obtain favour from the Lord Prov.8:33, 35. Our minds are renewed as we are being transformed to the image of Christ. Men see us and know we have been with the Lord; we prove His perfect will for us Rom.12:2. Thank You, Jesus.

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