The Man Who Will Be King: Part 4.

Every king has a kingdom. The father-king’s wife and children are part of his inheritance as a joint heir with Christ. As king he rules over a domain – his household; as priest he has access to the throne room of the King of kings, his model, seated in a far-above place. What may hinder him from being effective at his God-ordained leadership assignment? Scripture indicates two things: weakness and wickedness.

Against God’s injunction not to marry from among the Canaanites, Ahab, king of Israel took Jezebel, daughter of the Phoenician king, as wife. She turned his heart to the worship of her god, thus provoking God to anger Exd.34:15. More abominations were committed during Ahab’s reign than at any other era: a step in the wrong direction often advances to taking giant leaps into destruction. A zealous propagandist for her religion and persecutor of the people of God 1Kgs.18:4, Jezebel was a bold, precocious woman. She wielded such great influence over the king, there was no doubt who was really in charge of the Ahab household.
When Ahab was refused Nabaoth's land, she promised to give it to him, having no respect for God’s command not to covet a neighbour’s goods Exd.20:17. She aimed not by coercive means to procure the land, but, under the guise of religion and justice, used the king's seal, usurped his authority and got the men and elders of the land to falsely accuse Nabaoth of blasphemy against God and the king. He was stoned to death and Ahab took the land, but God accounted the sin to him. His weakness had turned him into a wicked king. God’s judgment came twenty years later 1Kgs.21:23, 2kgs.9:7-8, 30-37.
The same force was at work at the Adam’s in Eden. Being subtle Gen.3:1, Satan used words to assault Eve with temptation. By her, Adam disobeyed God, for, as soon as she falls into sin, the deceived easily becomes manipulative. Adam's choice to obey his wife over God was a sign of weakness; eating the fruit against the command of God was in contempt for Him, a show of wickedness. The woman usurped the authority of the man to assume ruler-ship of the garden. Adam failed to exercise headship over Eve, or dominion over the serpent. In like manner as Ahab, God accounted the sin to Adam.
To rule their household in Godly manner, fathers must beware weakness - an unwillingness or inability to take charge - that may lead to wickedness. An empty throne is indicative of no, or weak, leadership.
Heavenly Father, the perfect model of Father-King, I pray for myself and all fathers, that repentance will take anchor in our souls for every time we have displayed weakness and wickedness, and fallen short of Your expectation. Like the prodigal, I ask for the returning grace, that we may arise from the places where we laid down our authority and be restored to our rightful place with you, to fatherhood, to priesthood and to headship of our households, according to Your will, in Jesus Gracious Name.
In the name of Jesus, and by the super-abounding grace of God, I decree and declare:
·         I boldly go into the presence of God for mercy and to find grace in time of need Heb. 4:16. I know His will in every situation and, by His Spirit in me, I have courage to do what He says Heb.10:19, Jn.2:5. I will not be deceived out of my place Prov.27:8, or fail Him. Thank You, Jesus.
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