
Showing posts from 2017
‘The Good Father’ Package - Volume I, Volume II, & Prayers and Declarations . Let fathers be inspired and arise to apply knowledge of God’s word to devise their own means to take back their families from the snare of ungodly instructors. Let fathers launch a moral infrastructure where Godly values flow through a chain of influence that begins with them. Let wise fathers use the wisdom of God to save all that may have been lost, missing or stolen. Fathers need help. ‘ The Good Father’ package includes a guide for Worship, Prayers and Declarations. The words of worship and prayers will re-position you at the feet of Jesus Christ as you fellowship with your heavenly Father; the declarations will help you with generic words of God to speak regularly over yourself and your children, calling things that may not be as though they were. God’s word carries the power of accomplishment; as you speak it, you sow seeds in your fertile heart and your children's, until they bear muc

Let Wise Fathers Arise.

The world is at crossroads in many spheres of human existence. Without prejudice to race or continent, proof of lawlessness abounds in print and electronic media, the Internet and especially on the streets. These are clear consequences of degenerating moral, social and cultural values. The family unit, which used to be a safe haven - a cocoon to inculcate Godly values in children - is experiencing high incidence of failure. Where are the fathers, the ‘ good ’ men Ps.37:23 to coach and mentor next generations? T his situation can be reversed. Divine illumination in the word of God has the solution to every life challenge and guides to successful living. Godly values make nations great. ‘ The Good Fther ’ is a journey into fundamental Biblical truth, expounding God’s word, His prescription for FATHERING. The book discusses practical ways to emulate Godly attributes for fathering success. Purposed to ‘turn the hearts of the fathers to the children’ Mal.4:6a , it sets the tone for

Divine Wisdom is Integral to Fathering Success. Part 1.

Fathers would agree that to raise children to be proud of in this day and age is challenging, to say the least. Without prejudice to race or continent, proof of lawlessness abounds: in Newspapers and Magazines, on Television newscasts, Radio programs, the Internet and especially on the streets. The strength of our moral fibre, and what legacies are being passed on, are questionable: a gang of men [ even boys ] rape a defenceless female and audaciously post a video clip of the dastardly act on the internet for all to see; a black widow kills successive husbands to appropriate their wealth; a hacker breaks into the private space of companies or individuals to expose their secrets for financial gain; a teenage prostitute uses her body as a commodity to make a living; sometimes the parent gives up the child at the behest of enticing reward promised by money-wielding pimps; children, teenagers and young adults are kidnapped and trafficked for prostitution, slavery, and harvesting of body p

More Benefits of Praying in Tongues for the Believing Father. Part 2.

By the work of the Holy Spirit, believers are being transformed to the image of Christ Rom.8:29 . More on praying in tongues: 1       1.  The one who prays in tongues never loses sight of God’s promises, because he prays them; you wait in excitement mode, never complaining, anticipate every word of His to come to pass, and are strengthened while you wait. Tongues is for personal edification 1Cor.14:4 , like charging your phone battery. It stimulates your faith Jude.20 , builds up your ‘ most holy faith’ , keeps you in the love of God, allows the Holy Spirit to energise you, and quickens your mortal body. When the love of God is stirred up in your heart, you believe every promise, and are bold to apply your faith to do works through love Gal.5:6 . 2    2.    Fathers, from whom much is expected - provision, protection and guidance of the family – are likely stressed by the challenges of life on earth. Tongues help you through anxieties, fears, even depression, which may result fr

What Benefits Praying in Tongues for the Believing Father? Part 1.

Tongues is a supernatural sign that follows believers Mk.16:17 , it is evidence of our connection to the heavenly realm. Being the initial sign of the baptism of the Holy Spirit Acts.2:4 , it is an overflow that overwhelms us with God’s awesomeness. Who would not want such Gift? Our spirituality is critical to success at living the abundant life on earth; only the spiritual may discern the things 1Cor.2:9-15 that God's divine power has given us 2Pet.1:3 , and draw them from the heavenly realm Eph.1:3 into his physical space. How? The more he prays God’s precise will, in season, the more of His goodness he is able to draw. It starts at the altar of fellowship with the One to Whom he belongs, conversing in a heavenly language, not even aware of what he asks! Your life will respond to what you do in the discipline of prayer, the place where you tap into God’s ability ‘ to do exceedingly abundantly above all that [you] ask’ . Let us examine some benefits to you of praying in T

When God’s Spirit Plants Seeds of His Will, the Harvest is Bountiful.

Fathers may learn elements of son-ship from Jesus. As He prayed to the Father, so must they, for men ought always to pray Lk.18:1 . What must a father pray? The same as Jesus taught - God’s will. No other foundation for fathering can be laid but to emulate successful fathering from the Almighty God Himself, the ultimate Father. There is a dimension of prayer that comes from the spirit, another from the realm of understanding. Do not rest your prayer life in what you understand only, else you will not pray about mysterious things in the world - even in your life – which you do not understand [ This is most things, for, you know not how you ought to pray Rom.8:26] . I f you pray only in this realm, your answer may not come, for we do not receive if we ask amiss; for answer-worthy prayer, you need to reach beyond your understanding. Language is a universal power, it strengthens, clarifies and upholds communication. Everything in created order has a language that joins the unit, dogs

A Blessed Father Passes on Relationship with God.

Jesus absorbed all the agony of the Cross that those who believe may enjoy the benefit of son-ship of the Father in heaven. His gift of an abundant life here on earth and everlasting life after, constitute eternal life, the zoe Life of Christ. It is unfortunate that many believing fathers - to whom much has been given and from whom much is expected, to pass on to the next generation - do not have a clear understanding of the true meaning of the fatherhood of God. They know not of their son-ship rights and responsibilities. The first thing to know is this: Christ is in the Father, you are in Christ, and Christ is in you Jn.14:20 , therefore you are in the Father. If Christ is in the Father and also in you, then the All-powerful Father is in you. Is there a better place you would rather be? You need also know that all your heavenly Father has, He gave to Jesus Christ. Having received Him as Lord and Saviour, you became a joint-heir, with access: 'Worthy is the Lamb who was slain

I Have a Father in Heaven. Part 3.

The Lord God Almighty is the ultimate Father. His blessing is generational in nature, purposed to be continuous, therefore, the only two ways by which children may miss being blessed is if fathers either fail to bless them, or speak over them what God did not say: ‘ Who is he who speaks and it comes to pass, when the Lord has not commanded it?’ Lam.3:37 . God has played His part; it is the responsibility of earthly fathers to take their rightful position in the scheme of divine plan and purpose, to bind on earth the things bound in heaven and loose on earth what is already loosed in heaven. But a father who will pass on the Blessing must first acknowledge the fatherhood of God Almighty, the Giver of all good things, recognize the Blessing working in him, and show evidence of a life enriched in all things, no sorrow added. He must believe the words of Jesus Jn.20:17 , and let every feature of the Father-Son relationship taught by His life and ministry guide him, for the Father of Jesu

For Optimum Performance, Every Creature Need Be Blessed. Part 2.

To bless is to submit all that you are and have to another, for his benefit, therefore, failure to bless children may lead to stunted growth, underachievement and frustration: no blessing, no empowerment. No demon can break the power of the spoken word; from the lips of God to the ears of fathers, then from their lips as instructions to ministering angels. A word from the mouth of the father-prophet secures the spiritual destiny of the child for it opens the heavens above him, making him conscious of all that his Creator already made available to him. The Blessing makes him rich in all things Prov.10:22 .  If children would continuously hear the voice of fathers speaking over them, declaring God’s will for them, they would have the courage to surmount every challenge, the strength to climb every mountain, and the boldness to brace every storm. They would know that because God said so, rivers will not overflow them, fires will not burn them, and that victory is certain over tribulati