
Showing posts from May, 2017

Why is God’s Word Integral to Successful Fathering?

In God's word lies the answer to every question and the solution to every challenge. It is His power Mt.22:29 . Models of ' good success' in every venture, even fathering, are built on the foundation of God's word Josh.1:8 . It is the constitution of the earth by which all men and matters will be judged: none will escape its net. We know because Jesus, the Word, said so: ‘ He who rejects Me, and does not receive My words, has that which judges him - the word that I have spoken will judge him in the last day.' Jn.12:48 . Knowing the world is judged by the standard of God's word, fathers need grow in knowledge of it - build on the foundation of Jesus Christ - just as did the Apostles Eph.2:20 . Then they are taught and empowered to do fathering right, and are assured that families built on the Rock will endure Lk.6:47-48 . God’s word is Light Ps.119:105 . When light comes, there is an arising Is.60:1 , a shining ; the Glory of God is seen over you. Christ

I Am a Father, By God’s Grace.

God ‘ formed’ an earth suit into which he breathed the male and female spirits created in His image and likeness and Man became a living being. Thereafter, He decided that it is not ‘ good ’ for Man to be alone – all in one body, no companion. He then put Adam to sleep ,’ ‘took one of his ribs, and closed up the flesh in its place’ Gen.2:18-22 . Evidently, God ‘made’ the woman with material taken from Man’s body; He did not return to take more of ‘ the dust of the ground’ from which He had ‘ formed’ Man Gen.2:7 . Science has shown that every cell in a body is the replica of that body, therefore, whatever part God took from Adam was all he needed to make his clone. Adam recognised the woman as ‘ bone of [his] bones and flesh of [his] flesh’ and named her ‘ Woman, because she was taken out of Man.’ Gen.2:23 . The Source of our spirits is God Almighty, the source of our bodies is Adam; every male man should be ‘ father’ for he carries in his loins the generations after him. Bu
Welcome to TheGoodFather Blog! Many will agree that the family unit is hardly achieving the purposes for which the Almighty instituted it. The world is at crossroads in many spheres of human existence: without prejudice to race, gender or continent, proof of lawlessness abounds in Newspapers and Magazines, on Television and Radio programs, on the Internet and the streets. This is clearly the consequence of degenerating moral, social and cultural values. The family unit, which used to be a safe haven - a cocoon to practice Godly values, inculcate them in children - is showing high incidence of failure. Where are the fathers, the ‘ good ’ men Ps.37:23 to pass on relationship with God to next generations? This situation CAN be reversed. The word of God answers every question, has the solution to every life challenge, guides to successful living on His earth Ps.24:1 . Blog posts will comprise three parts: A Teaching : The Holy Spirit grants knowledge of God, expresses His Will Jn