I Am a Father, By God’s Grace.

God ‘formed’ an earth suit into which he breathed the male and female spirits created in His image and likeness and Man became a living being. Thereafter, He decided that it is not ‘good’ for Man to be alone – all in one body, no companion. He then put Adam to sleep,’ ‘took one of his ribs, and closed up the flesh in its place’ Gen.2:18-22. Evidently, God ‘made’ the woman with material taken from Man’s body; He did not return to take more of ‘the dust of the ground’ from which He had ‘formed’ Man Gen.2:7. Science has shown that every cell in a body is the replica of that body, therefore, whatever part God took from Adam was all he needed to make his clone. Adam recognised the woman as ‘bone of [his] bones and flesh of [his] flesh’ and named her ‘Woman, because she was taken out of Man.’ Gen.2:23.
The Source of our spirits is God Almighty, the source of our bodies is Adam; every male man should be ‘father’ for he carries in his loins the generations after him. But sadly this is not the case. Many to whom children have been born, while struggling to become the man God created them to be, have not embraced the responsibilities of fatherhood. The father is meant to be the firm bedrock of his home, the one that gives strength to endure, just as does the foundation of a building. Lack of God-ordained fathering has made the foundation of many a family shaky, thus the unit is susceptible to a great fall, even when a small wind blows.
Clearly there is more to fathering than being donor of a child's DNA!
Heavenly Father, I acknowledge that I am a father by Your will, entrusted with care of Your children, seed to perpetuate life on earth and propagate Your divine purpose Gen.1:28. Thank You for rewarding me with blessings to comfort me, and for giving me a heritage of and from You Ps.127:3.
I humble myself before You Lord, I acknowledge my shortcomings - for the times when I should have but was not present in their lives; when I could have but did not provide adequately for them; when I was not a positive role-model to my sons or mentor my daughters right; for not getting to know them by myself, allowing others to tell me about them. I repent of not looking in Your word for instruction, not meditating day and night on it for guidance on being a good father. Thank You Lord for I have a supply of mercy and find grace when I come boldly to Your throne Heb.4:16 to know and understand the words of Your mouth Prov.4:1-6, and get wisdom for fathering, in Jesus Majestic Name I pray. Amen.
Daily Declaration:
In the name of Jesus, and by the super-abounding grace of God, I declare:
·         God reigns as Head of my home, He comes first. My home is the training ground for the next generations; it is the place to model and teach the love of God and man, by attitudes, words and actions, where Godly seed are prepared to carry on the torch of covenant relationship with God so that every promise of God to us in His word is fulfilled Gen.18:19.
·         Every member of my household carries the glory of Christ, His light shines in our hearts 2Cor.4:6. In fellowship we surrender to the Sovereignty of the Father, the Lordship of the Son and the leading of the Holy Spirit, and our joy is full 1Jn.1:3-4. We worship God in visible, practical ways; we go out in joy and all things work together in our favour Is.55:10-13, Rom.8:28. Thank You, Jesus.

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