My Child’s True Identity is in Christ.

Everyone needs to ask his Maker questions which have to do with Vision, Purpose and Significance. There is so much more than ‘Who am I?’ to self-discovery. In answering the question: 'Who do you say that I am?' Simon received a revelation of Jesus Christ that only the Spirit of God could have supplied. Then Jesus introduced him to Peter – who he will become. When we spend time with Jesus, the Word of God Rev.19:13, not only is He revealed to us by the Holy Spirit, He also reveals our true identity: 'You are Peter… 'Mt.16:13-18. The revelation of Jesus Christ is our guiding Light.
Fathers who lead their children to Jesus have put them on the path to self-discovery, for only He can give them a clear sense of identity, having ordained their destinies before the foundation of the world Eph.1:3-12. As we study God’s word, meditate on it and enquire of our Creator, Christ is revealed to us, and we find all we need for victorious living in answers to destiny-defining questions, such as:
Why am I on earth? God's purpose for us determines our authority, how and where to deploy it; we never know what power lies in us until we recognize that, being established and anointed in Christ 2Cor.1:21, all that God requires us to be and do is already accomplished in Him Phil.3:14, we cannot fail;
Whose am I? We are assured of victory over any evil that may come against us in the pursuit of purpose; we know ‘the gates of hell shall not prevail against’ us, for the One we belong to overcame the world Jn.16:33, destroyed all the works of the enemy 1Jn.3:8, and gave us power to be victorious Lk.10:19;
Where am I from? Knowing our country of origin, that we represent heaven on earth, we are equipped to function effectively in our assignment as citizens of the Kingdom of God: 'I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven' and, ‘whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven'. Mt.16:19.  Ambassadors are sourced and sustained by the home-country;
What do I have? When a child knows what is available to him ‘in Christ’, his interest will be stirred to achieve what is settled in the spirit realm concerning him. If he carries his father’s dream, he may feel constrained by his father’s means. The mind of God should be his mandate. However, his mind need be renewed by constant fellowship with the Word, and his view expanded, to accommodate God’s thoughts for him; what He will require of him will likely blow his small mind, even his father’s.
Every child sees a picture of his future when his father – the one best suited to help him paint it - asks and receives answer to the question: ‘What manner of child shall this be?Lk.1:66. More questions next week.

Thank You heavenly Father for choosing us in Christ as sons, and for working Your will in us. For the gift of Your Spirit, our Guarantee that an undefiled and incorruptible inheritance is reserved for us in heaven 1Pet.1:3-4, our Revealer and Guide to receiving things that eyes have not seen, ears not heard or hearts imagined 1Cor.2:9-14, we are eternally grateful. Holy Spirit, teach us the right words to speak, seeds to sow in our fertile hearts until God’s will is done in our lives and He is gloried, in Jesus Name.

In the name of Jesus, and by the super-abounding grace of God, I decree and declare that every word written about every member of my household before the foundation of the world shall be accomplished Lk.22:37. The mouth of the Lord has spoken it and His zeal is performing it Is.9:7. Thank You, Jesus.
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