Daddy, Who Am I?

We are sons of the prophets, and of the covenant with God Acts.3:25. What does this mean? One, the issues of our lives are birthed by the words of God in the mouth of the prophets - what was, is, and will be has already been foretold, and will be found by a diligent search into Scripture. The Holy Spirit, by Whose inspiration the prophets spoke, will guide us to the precise words that have to do with us. Why are prophetic words integral? Even as Peter saw the splendour of Jesus transfigured, and heard God’s majestic voice call down from heaven, his confidence was in what he calls 'the more sure prophetic word', acknowledged as 'light that shines in a dark place', illuminating the mind 2Pet.1:19-21. Two, every one born of the Spirit is joint-heir with Christ and has inalienable right to an inheritance, according to the terms of covenant relationship with God for which Jesus shed His Blood. Who will seek God for a ‘prophetic word’ on the child? Who will set him on the path of covenant with God that he not miss the Blessing, his access to ‘all things that pertain to life and godliness’ 2Pet.1:3?

The Creator planned every child with purpose, and ability to fulfil it. Purpose is discovered not determined, therefore, a child needs a father-prophet who will open his inner ear to hear, his spiritual eyes to observe, and enquire of the One who made the ‘seeing eye’ and the ‘hearing ear’ Prov.20:12. What he hears and sees is divine intelligence on God’s mind for the child, therefore, he need also be father-priest and set a prayer cover over the child, that all what is written about him may be accomplished Lk.22:37. Who we were created to be is our true identity - the key to a prosperous and successful life - not who we may have become. God reveals His thoughts to seekers, out of love and the desire to see them enter into His preparations, and prosper Jer.29:11-13. The world may wait in vain for God's sons to be revealed Rom.8:19 if fathers do not surrender themselves to be used to guide children on the path that leads to God, where all things are available Lk.14:17. A child who knows his true identity and what his Maker prepared for him Rev.5:10-12 will likely not grow up to devise creative means to steal, kidnap, blackmail to extort, prostitute himself, sell body parts, enslave, even kill, for financial gain. No. By faith he believes that when God shoots a plan into his mind from heaven and moves him in a straight line to achieve His purpose, every situation and circumstance must align to achieve God’s vision for him!

A good prayer to speak regularly over your family is found in Apostle Paul's letter to the Ephesians: Almighty God of my Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, Father of glory, I ask for myself and my household, that by Your Spirit Who dwells in us, we be made intelligent and discerning in revelation knowledge of Jesus, that we may understand what precisely he is calling each of us to do, and grasp the immensity of this glorious way of life prepared for us, as well as His incomparably great power available to, and working through, us who believe in and follow Him Eph.1:17-19, in Jesus Majestic Name.

In the name of Jesus, and by the super-abounding grace of God, I decree and declare:
·         As a partaker of divine nature 2Pet.1:4, I continuously feed my spirit with God’s Word to keep it alive to catch happenings in the Spirit realm and hear conversations about everyone in my family. I am anointed to prosper at fathering because I carry God’s Omniscient Spirit. Thank You, Jesus.

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